The Pressure of Perfection

The pressure for perfection dangles like an axe above ones head, be it personal, professional or societal.  We revisit our social media feeds that are ablaze with people having fun, sporting the latest trends, eating pretty food  – and instead of joy, it gives an unmarked signal to try to keep up. It’s daunting. Trends…

Writing – is like breathing

For a long time I’ve stopped writing personally, for the sheer fear of being to open, too free, too much information floating about the internet. For writers, however, writing is like breathing. It;s not just work. It’s how we think, how we formulate our perceptions and arrive at understanding of what’s going on around us.…

You can’t hack life

There is a difference between setting a goal, and setting an ultimatum for yourself. There are a million and more challenges on the internet, like this fitness challenge in the picture below: We decide to follow some challenges – because everyone is doing it. I posted the above picture on my facebook profile as motivation…

Free ebook: What Matters Now

It’s that time of year again, holidays are looming, people are reflecting on their achievements or contemplating their goals for 2010. Life does not exist in a vaccuum, different things matter to different individuals yet wholistically we’re all reaching for the things that matter to us. We’re hoping for happiness and success, wealth and even…

Launch: Memoirs for Kimya

Media is ever evolving bringing with it a new set of industry jargon, with the likes of blogs, blooks, podcasting and a host of others. Memoirs for Kimya is a blook – Yes that’s an actual word Blog (weblog) that has been turned into a book. Hence it is a blook. Bo-kaap Kombuis – featured…